Repeat customers are a vital factor in building a long-term and sustainable business model. You want your customers to choose you and continue to come back each time they need...
COVID-19 has created countless challenges for companies in all industries. Shutdowns, delays, service interruptions, and many other unforeseen issues have forced companies to have difficult conversations with customers. It’s not...
We all want to keep customers coming back. Repeat business is vital to your organization’s long term success. It’s much easier to retain your current customers than to find new...
Not every sale will go according to plan. In fact, most sales don’t. However, some interactions with customers can veer off the rails. Sales can go wrong for many reasons...
Working in sales can be tough. You get a lot of pushback from customers. You get told “no” a lot more than “yes,” and you will experience your fair share...
Repeat customers are a vital factor in building a long-term and sustainable business model. You want your customers to choose you and continue to come back each time they need...
COVID-19 has created countless challenges for companies in all industries. Shutdowns, delays, service interruptions, and many other unforeseen issues have forced companies to have difficult conversations with customers. It’s not...
We all want to keep customers coming back. Repeat business is vital to your organization’s long term success. It’s much easier to retain your current customers than to find new...
Not every sale will go according to plan. In fact, most sales don’t. However, some interactions with customers can veer off the rails. Sales can go wrong for many reasons...
Working in sales can be tough. You get a lot of pushback from customers. You get told “no” a lot more than “yes,” and you will experience your fair share...
Millennials are changing the sales game. With this generation increasingly having more buying power and taking on more prominent roles in society, it’s vital for companies to take notice. As...
Acquiring customers is only half of the battle. If your company wants to truly succeed you need to retain customers. Keeping your customers and turning first-time customers into long term...