6 years ago
January 24, 2019

How to Make the Best Follow-up Sales Call and Close the Deal

Following up is part of the sales process. Rarely do you close on the first call. You’ll likely have to follow up a number of times before you can get...
Rhys Metler – 6 years ago – January 24, 2019
6 years ago
June 21, 2018

5 Words (or Phrases) to Avoid When Dealing with an Angry Sales Customer

In sales, you are bound to have your fair share of angry customers. Mistakes happen and people can get upset for many reasons. The key to dealing with an angry...
Rhys Metler – 6 years ago – June 21, 2018
7 years ago
August 10, 2017

4 Things to Avoid Saying During a Sales Call

Sales is just like any other profession – there is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way. This holds true when it comes to how...
Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie – 7 years ago – August 10, 2017

How to Make the Best Follow-up Sales Call and Close the Deal

Following up is part of the sales process. Rarely do you close on the first call. You’ll likely have to follow up a number of times before you can get...
Rhys Metler – 6 years ago – January 24, 2019

5 Words (or Phrases) to Avoid When Dealing with an Angry Sales Customer

In sales, you are bound to have your fair share of angry customers. Mistakes happen and people can get upset for many reasons. The key to dealing with an angry...
Rhys Metler – 6 years ago – June 21, 2018

4 Things to Avoid Saying During a Sales Call

Sales is just like any other profession – there is a right way to do things and there is a wrong way. This holds true when it comes to how...
Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie – 7 years ago – August 10, 2017