3 years ago
December 16, 2021

With Remote Work on the Rise, Should You Hire More Salespeople Internationally?

Remote work is on the rise. It was becoming popular pre-pandemic, but COVID-19 forced companies to transition to remote and hybrid work models. For the most part, it has been…

Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter
Jace Ermidis

Remote work is on the rise. It was becoming popular pre-pandemic, but COVID-19 forced companies to transition to remote and hybrid work models. For the most part, it has been very successful for many types of organizations, including within the sales industry. It also appears that remote work is here to stay for the short- and long-term.

So, with sales remote work becoming more of a norm, should you hire internationally? In the past, location was a big factor when searching for sales talent. The ability to operate remotely has removed this obstacle. You can now hire people from anywhere in the world.


International hiring is a viable option. It can be a big differentiator if you are including it in your sales recruiting strategy and effectively onboard and integrate international talent. But should you cast a wider net? Should you expand your hiring area a little or go all the way?

Here are some important questions to consider before moving forward:

What Are the Advantages to Hiring International Sales Talent?

There are a lot of potential benefits to hiring international sales talent:

  • You have a much larger talent pool
  • You can find the best of the best sales talent
  • You can use this as an opportunity to break into new global markets
  • Greater diversity
  • New insights and perspectives

What Are Some of the Challenges of Hiring International Talent?

Hiring an international employee doesn’t come without its challenges. They include:

  • Recruiting logistics
  • Different labour laws
  • Tax implications
  • How you will pay talent
  • Language barriers
  • Managing team-specific sales activities
  • Employees in different time zones
  • Communications challenges
  • Salary expectations (overtime, vacation, sick time, bonuses, and benefits can vary by country)

How Will You Hire Them?

There are a number of options to consider when hiring international sales talent. The first is how you will hire.

  • Will they be hired as employees of the organization?
  • Will they be contractors or freelancers?
  • Will you partner with a recruiting agency?

How you choose to classify the employee will impact how they fit into the organization and how you will manage them. It could also affect the type of talent who will have an interest in working for you.

Season 1 Beth GIF by Rick and Morty

Hiring international sales talent is an interesting opportunity. Assess your company’s position and do some research to see if it makes sense for your sales organization.

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Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter

Jace Ermidis

Jace is a sales recruiter with almost a decade of experience building high-performing sales teams in North America, across Europe, Asia, and Australia. He also has plenty of tips to help your sales team increase revenue!
