2 years ago
November 8, 2022

How to Make Small Talk Before a Sales Job Interview

People make small talk all the time. You do it with people you chat with in public, at the store, and when picking the kids up at school. It’s also…

sales recruiter Liz Vixner
Elizabeth Vixner

People make small talk all the time. You do it with people you chat with in public, at the store, and when picking the kids up at school. It’s also a common part of sales. You talk with prospects and customers and use small talk to build rapport. It’s also something you can do to build trust with a prospective employer. 

Being good at small talk is an underrated part of the job search process. People are more inclined to offer interviews to people with whom they get along and being a good conversationalist can help you do this. Below, our sales recruiters offer some tips for how to make small talk before a sales job interview. 

1. All conversations matter

When you go in for a sales job interview, you are being assessed on everything you say (even the small talk) and on your encounters with everyone. This includes security, the secretary at the front desk, and all other employees you engage with during your time at the company office. It’s even applicable to people you are in contact with over email or the phone. Making a good impression on everyone is important. You never know who will report back to the hiring manager. 

2. Steer clear of controversial topics

This is probably the most cited tip for small talk, and for good reason. Avoid talking about politics, religion, or anything that is divisive. You don’t know where people’s beliefs lie, and now is not the time to discuss your personal feelings and opinions. 

3. Be yourself

Being authentic is important. Don’t try to fake the small talk. It will come across as forced and will not give people a good impression of you. Be yourself and speak about topics that you are passionate about. 

two sales women talking

4. Be an active listener 

It’s very important to actively engage with others. Focus on what they are saying and keep the conversation going. It shows them that you care about what they are talking about. This can help you build trust and rapport. 

5. Ask questions

Asking questions is a great way to make small talk. It allows you to show interest and it also puts the onus on the other person. This is a good strategy to use if you are not great at small talk or have run out of things to talk about. 

Using these tips can help you improve your small talk game and help you navigate the part of the interview where you transition from arrival to starting the interview. 

Check Out These Additional Tips From Our Sales Recruiters

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SalesForce Search is a sales recruitment agency that specializes in hiring sales rockstars. Hiring top salespeople is tough. Only 55% meet their quota. Our proactive approach recruits talented salespeople before they hit the market. As North America’s leading sales headhunter we recruit salespeople in every sector of the economy including, software, manufacturing, financial services and medical devices. To find your next sales rockstar, start your search here.

sales recruiter Liz Vixner

Elizabeth Vixner

Elizabeth is a sales recruiter that has led and developed multiple top sales teams in Canada in the Automotive, Retail, and Sports Industries. With 6+ years of corporate sales experience, she knows what separates a good salesperson from a great salesperson. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a Specialization in Marketing and Accounting with Honours from the Schulich School of Business at York University.
