10 months ago
October 2, 2023

Advice from a Recruiter: How Far Back Should Your Sales Resume Go?

Our sales recruiters talk with a lot of candidates about what they should and shouldn’t include in their resume. Obviously, experience is an important part of your resume, and many…

Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter
Jace Ermidis

Our sales recruiters talk with a lot of candidates about what they should and shouldn’t include in their resume. Obviously, experience is an important part of your resume, and many candidates ask us some version of, how far back should I go on my resume? How much experience should I include? What should I leave out?

While there are no hard and fast rules for exactly how far you should go back, our sales recruiters have put together these 3 guidelines to follow when writing or updating your resume as part of a job application:

1. Focus on Relevant Sales Experience

When determining how far back to go on a sales resume, it’s generally recommended to focus on the most relevant and recent experiences while keeping your resume concise and tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Prioritize experiences that are directly related to the job you’re applying for. If you have more recent positions that are closely aligned with the role you’re seeking, you can reduce the emphasis on older roles. Or if you have one specific job that is directly relevant, focus more on the experience you have in this role.

For example, if you are an experienced sales professional, you don’t need to include the jobs you had in high school. But, if you are new to sales and fresh out of college, including the jobs you had in high school, can help show that you have a strong work ethic and experience in the work world.

sales recruiter on the phone

2. Use the 10-15 Rule

In most cases, it’s best to limit your work history to the past 10-15 years. This allows you to showcase your most recent and relevant sales accomplishments and skills. Older experiences may not be as pertinent to your current career goals. Include the sales experience you’ve accumulated over this time. However, if you’ve been in the same role for the past 10 to 15 years, it’s okay to list other jobs, as long as they are relevant.

3. Highlight Recent and Relevant Sales Achievements

Focus on showcasing your accomplishments, achievements, and quantifiable results in your recent sales roles. Use metrics and numbers to demonstrate your impact, such as increased sales revenue, customer retention rates, or market share gains.

For example, “I exceeded my sales quota in 2023 by 15%” or “I helped my sales team increase sales by $25,000 in Q1, 2023.” Be concise and remember that you can always explain your accomplishments in greater detail during the job interview.

Remember that the goal of your resume is to capture the recruiter’s attention quickly and demonstrate why you’re a strong candidate for the specific sales position you’re applying for. Tailor your resume to emphasize the skills and experiences that align with the job description and keep it concise and well-organized. Reach out to our sales recruiters to explore the sales jobs in your area.

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SalesForce Search is a sales recruitment agency that specializes in hiring sales rockstars. Hiring top salespeople is tough. Only 55% meet their quota. Our proactive approach recruits talented salespeople before they hit the market. As North America’s leading sales headhunter we recruit salespeople in every sector of the economy including, software, manufacturing, financial services and medical devices. To find your next sales rockstar, start your search here. Did you know SalesForce Search is an IQ PARTNERS company?

Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter

Jace Ermidis

Jace is a sales recruiter with almost a decade of experience building high-performing sales teams in North America, across Europe, Asia, and Australia. He also has plenty of tips to help your sales team increase revenue!
