5 years ago
July 28, 2020

6 Questions to Ask the Recruiter in Your Next Sales Interview

A sales interview is a candidate’s opportunity to prove they are the best candidate. It’s also your opportunity to see if the hiring company is a great place to work….

Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie

A sales interview is a candidate’s opportunity to prove they are the best candidate. It’s also your opportunity to see if the hiring company is a great place to work.

The goal of all sales interviews for companies is to make sure they find a candidate who is the right fit for the job and for the organization. They want candidates to be excited about the job, have the right intentions, motivation, and career goals that are in alignment with the company. One way for hiring companies to assess this is to pay attention to the types of questions candidates ask them during the interview process.

Hiring companies want you to ask insightful questions. It shows you’ve done your homework and it can say a lot about your level of preparation. It’s also your opportunity to find out if the hiring company is the type of sales organization you want to work for. Remember, assessing the fit goes both ways. As a candidate, you need to determine if the company is somewhere you want to work. You need to know the company offers you the opportunities that are in alignment with your career path and offers you the chance to grow and evolve as a sales professional.

Our Toronto sales recruiters have jotted down 6 questions that can help you impress the sales hiring manager on your next job interview:

1. How Has COVID-19 Affected Business?

This is a question that didn’t exist a few short months ago. It wasn’t something that was on anyone’s radar. But, today, it’s become a very important question for all sales candidates to ask during the interview process. Some companies have been significantly impacted, while others are thriving in the coronavirus era. Asking this question will give you insight into what has been happening with the hiring company. Did they shut down? Have they shifted or changed operations? Did they see a significant drop in sales or lose customers? Asking this question will help you better understand where a company is and where it is going in the future. It proves to the hiring company you are thinking long term.

2. How Does the Training Process Work?

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The onboarding process can have a significant effect on your success with a new sales organization. If you are provided with the support and resources you need to ramp up, you will be more likely to succeed in the role. When candidates ask this question, it shows hiring managers that you are committed to taking steps to fully integrate yourself into the new role. You care about your performance.

3. How Do You Measure Performance and Success?

This is a very important question to ask. It’s important for sales candidates to understand how they will be assessed and the types of metrics the company prioritizes. Are they concerned mainly about meeting sales quota? What do they measure? Which tools do they use to assess the sales team? Knowing this information will let you know what the company values and how they operate. It shows hiring companies you’re thinking about your performance.

4. What Type of Feedback Will I Receive From My Sales Manager?

The type of feedback you get from your sales manager will play a vital role in your ability to improve in the role. You want to know which processes are in place for your manager to provide you with performance feedback. What type of support do they offer? How often? Is it restricted to quarterly or annual reviews, or is it ongoing? If a company doesn’t have a strong feedback process in place, you may want to look more into this. Asking about feedback shows hiring managers you are proactive and want to improve yourself.

5. What Are the Opportunities for Growth Within the Organization?

We all want to work for organizations that offer us the chance to grow and evolve professionally. Does the organization have a mentoring or coaching program in place? Do they offer professional training or the opportunity for further education? What is the next step up in your career with the company if you perform well in the job? Asking about growth shows you are dedicated to improving yourself. It shows ambition, a willingness to learn new things, and a drive to be successful.

6. Tell Me About the Sales Process

No two sales processes are the same. It’s important for candidates to have a good understanding of the steps involved in a company’s sales process. How are leads generated? How do you qualify a lead? What steps are required? Is there a sales script to follow? Which tools do you use to manage sales leads? What is the expected closing ratio? This will give you a good idea of whether you think you would be successful in the job. Asking this question shows to sales managers you understand there are differences in how companies approach sales.

Get More Sales Career Search Advice From Toronto Sales Recruiters

Thinking about making a career move? Remember, it’s just as important for candidates to assess a hiring company as it is for a company to assess sales candidates. Here are some additional blogs from our sales recruiters that are packed with insightful tips and advice:

Are You a Bad Sales Job Candidate? 6 Bad Habits to Avoid

4 Creative Ways to Impress a Recruiter Before They Meet You

Don’t Have All the Job Requirements? 5 Ways to Still Impress Your Sales Recruiter

6 Effective Recruiter Tips for Writing a Follow-Up Email

4 Things to Avoid When Trying to Impress Your Sales Recruiter

The 6 WORST Job Search Mistakes Recruiters Agree Will Cost You That Sales Job

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SalesForce Search is a Toronto sales recruiting company that specializes in the recruitment and placement of sales professionals. We recruit salespeople in every sector of the economy including, software, manufacturing, financial services, and medical devices. Find the right salesperson for your organization, start your search here.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter

Claire McConnachie

Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.

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