12 months ago
August 15, 2023

Want to Get the Sales Job? The Number One Quality Hiring Managers Look For

Sales managers look for a long list of qualities in candidates when hiring for sales positions. They are looking for candidates to have a specific skill set. But they also…

sales recruiter Liz Vixner
Elizabeth Vixner

Sales managers look for a long list of qualities in candidates when hiring for sales positions. They are looking for candidates to have a specific skill set. But they also are looking for well-rounded individuals who can adapt to ever-changing sales industry situations. But there is one top quality that hiring managers look for in sales candidates above all else – strong communication skills.

Below, our sales recruiters will discuss this all-important quality and break it down into other micro-qualities.

The Number One Quality Hiring Managers Seek In Sales Job Candidates Is Strong Communication

If you are not a strong communicator, you will struggle in sales roles. Effective communication is crucial in sales. Sales managers look for candidates who can articulate their ideas clearly and persuasively, both verbally and in writing. Being able to actively listen to customers’ needs and concerns is equally important. Excellent communication skills help salespeople build rapport, understand customer pain points, and effectively convey the value of their product or service.

Being an effective communicator can also mean many different things. There are a variety of elements and hiring managers may be looking for specific communication skills depending on the role they are hiring for.

sales candidate looking at his resume

Important Elements of Strong Communication Skills

Here are some additional micro-communication qualities that sales managers look for in sales candidates:

  •         Persuasiveness: Successful salespeople can influence and persuade prospects to make purchasing decisions. They can present compelling arguments and tailor their sales pitch to address individual customer needs and objections.
  •         Clear and Concise Message: Deliver your message in a straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complexity. Be concise and get to the point, ensuring your audience can easily grasp the main idea.
  •         Active Listening: Pay close attention to what others are saying, showing genuine interest in their perspective. Active listening involves maintaining eye contact, nodding, and providing verbal cues to indicate that you are fully engaged in the conversation.
  •         Empathy and Understanding: Put yourself in the shoes of your audience, considering their feelings, thoughts, and concerns. Empathy helps create a connection and fosters a more supportive communication environment.
  •         Body Language: Nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, and posture, can convey emotions and add depth to your communication. Maintain open and positive body language to support your message effectively.
  •         Tone of Voice: The way you speak can significantly impact how your message is received. Be mindful of your tone, ensuring it aligns with the content of your message and conveys the intended emotions.
  •         Adaptability: Be flexible in your communication style to suit the needs of different individuals and situations. Some people may prefer direct communication, while others might respond better to a more collaborative approach.
  •         Clarity in Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of your communication. Whether it’s to inform, persuade, collaborate, or resolve a conflict, knowing your objective will help you stay focused and achieve your desired outcomes.
  •         Positive Reinforcement: When providing feedback or discussing ideas, focus on positive reinforcement. Acknowledge achievements, efforts, and good ideas, which can enhance motivation and encourage further engagement.
  •         Avoid Assumptions: Don’t assume that your audience knows everything you do. Clarify any potentially unclear points and be open to questions to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  •         Appropriate Timing: Consider the timing of your communication. Some discussions are best reserved for private settings, while others might be more suitable for team meetings or public forums.
  •         Avoid Interruptions: Allow others to express their thoughts without interruption. Interrupting can be perceived as disrespectful and may hinder the flow of communication.

A successful sales candidate possesses a combination of strong communication skills. Demonstrating these qualities will make candidates stand out in the eyes of sales managers.

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sales recruiter Liz Vixner

Elizabeth Vixner

Elizabeth is a sales recruiter that has led and developed multiple top sales teams in Canada in the Automotive, Retail, and Sports Industries. With 6+ years of corporate sales experience, she knows what separates a good salesperson from a great salesperson. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a Specialization in Marketing and Accounting with Honours from the Schulich School of Business at York University.
