3 years ago
March 29, 2022

How to Inspire When Your Sales Team Has the Quota Blues

Sales is cyclical. There will be great times when your sales team smashes their quota numbers week after week. And then there will be times when it’s a struggle to…

Brandon Biafore Sales Recruiter
Brandon Biafore

Sales is cyclical. There will be great times when your sales team smashes their quota numbers week after week. And then there will be times when it’s a struggle to get a sale. When times are good, it’s easy to keep your sales reps motivated.

But it’s during the down times when a sales manager needs to step up and inspire the team. You need to help them break out of the quota blues. Why? When sales reps fall into a funk, it can be similar to the effects of burnout. Motivation falls off, productivity drops, and missed quotas can ruin morale at work.

Try these methods to inspire your sales team the next time they get a case of the quota blues:


Change the conversation

Shifting the narrative and changing the focus of conversation within your sales team is essential. Harping on sales results and numbers is not going to make things any better. Shift the focus to smaller tasks and objectives that can help your people get quota numbers back on track. Sometimes it’s the small things that make the biggest difference.

Take a break from selling

When morale is low, it’s a great opportunity to do something different. Schedule some skills training and development with your team. This will give them a break from sales and get their mind off things. Teach them something that could potentially help them break out of their sales slump.

Team building

If your team’s performance is slipping, morale is low, and people seemed burned out, perhaps it’s time for a break. A team-building activity is a great way to show your team your appreciation and have some fun. Choose an activity based on your team’s collective interests.

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Hash it out

A lot of issues that are hampering your team can often most easily be corrected by your team itself. So, have an honest conversation with your team about the issues they are experiencing. Get their input so you can offer to pinpoint solutions and resources to help them overcome things.

Don’t tolerate negativity

Negativity can be contagious. All you need is one bad apple to ruin it for everyone. You don’t need it spreading through your sales team. Focus on instilling positivity in your team. Address those who may be having a negative impact on the team as a whole.

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Brandon Biafore Sales Recruiter

Brandon Biafore

With a background successfully leading sales teams (overseeing training & development, driving sales & revenue, and ensuring delivery of exceptional customer service while executing cost control), Brandon is a sales recruiter with a solid understanding of what it takes to succeed in sales leadership role, as well as the challenges faced by hiring managers in finding top sales talent.

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