9 months ago
November 9, 2023

How Do You Recruit Sales Executives? 9 Lessons From 20 Years of Search

Recruiting sales executives is no easy task. It’s also a decision that can have a significant impact on your organization going forward. Hiring a sales executive is a critical decision…

Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter
Jace Ermidis

Recruiting sales executives is no easy task. It’s also a decision that can have a significant impact on your organization going forward. Hiring a sales executive is a critical decision for your organization, as they will play a key role in driving revenue and shaping the sales team’s direction. Hire the right person and you’ll be set to have success going forward. Hire the wrong person and you could face a host of issues going forward.

As executive recruiters with more than 20 years of experience helping companies hire sales professionals at the leadership level, we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Below we’ll provide you with some tips and insights you can implement to improve your success rate when recruiting sales executives:

successful sales people















Here are some pieces of advice to follow when hiring a sales executive:

Key Insights To Recruit Sales Executives

If you follow the tips below from our sales recruiters, you’ll put yourself in a position to have recruitment success:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Before starting the hiring process, define clear objectives for the role. What are the specific sales targets, goals, and expectations you have for the new sales executive?
  2. Identify Key Skills and Traits: Determine the essential skills and traits you’re looking for in a sales executive. This may include a track record of meeting or exceeding sales targets, leadership abilities, excellent communication skills, and strategic thinking.
  3. Assess Leadership Abilities: Sales executives often lead a team. Assess their ability to manage, motivate, and mentor a sales team effectively.
  4. Cultural Fit is Essential: Ensure the candidate aligns with your company culture and values. Sales executives set the tone for the entire sales team, so cultural fit is crucial.
  5. Get The Sales Team Involved: Involve key members of your existing sales team in the interview process. Their feedback can be valuable in assessing how well the candidate will fit into the team.
  6. Talk about Long-Term Vision: Discuss the candidate’s long-term career goals and how they see themselves contributing to the growth of your organization.
  7. Evaluate Communication Skills: Sales executives must communicate effectively with internal teams, clients, and partners. Assess their ability to articulate their ideas and strategies clearly.
  8. Focus on Drive and Motivation: Look for candidates who are self-motivated and driven to succeed. Sales executives need to be persistent and resilient in the face of challenges.
  9. Consult with Experts: If necessary, seek advice from industry experts or consultants who specialize in sales leadership roles.

A Final Word From Our Sales Recruiters About Hiring Sales Executives

Hiring a sales executive is not just about their individual performance but also about their ability to lead and inspire the sales team. Take your time in the selection process to find the right candidate who can drive your organization’s sales growth and contribute to its long-term success.

More Tips To Recruit Sales Professionals

How to Spot Sales Candidate Red Flags Early On In The Hiring Process

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Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter

Jace Ermidis

Jace is a sales recruiter with almost a decade of experience building high-performing sales teams in North America, across Europe, Asia, and Australia. He also has plenty of tips to help your sales team increase revenue!
