3 years ago
February 10, 2022

Are You Using These 4 tricks to Hire Sales Candidates Quicker?

A common question our sales recruiters receive from employers is, “How can I hire a candidate quickly?” They have a hiring need, and they want to fill it as fast…

Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter
Jace Ermidis

A common question our sales recruiters receive from employers is, “How can I hire a candidate quickly?” They have a hiring need, and they want to fill it as fast as possible. We get it.

The following are some common sense “tricks” that will help you hire sales candidates quicker than your competitors:


1. Have a strong recruiting process

No surprise here. A well-defined sales process will remove any of the guesswork out of your recruiting process. You will know exactly what to do at each stage of the recruitment process. The trick is to make it repeatable for each candidate so you can effectively assess them and identify the best person for the job.

2. Do the work ahead of time

Hiring is not a one-off event. Your recruiting process should be ongoing. As they say, always be recruiting. When you are consistently mining your talent pool and building relationships with people who could potentially work for your company in the future, you will be doing a lot of the leg work in advance. You will already have a number of leads you can pursue. You will have a better idea of candidate availability and the hiring market. You won’t be starting from square one when you identify hiring needs.

3. Focus on one candidate at a time

More is not always better when trying to hire. If you are working too many candidates through the recruiting process at once, you could create a bottleneck.

Multi-tasking multiple potential hires will get you nowhere fast. Instead, focus on one candidate at a time to make sure you’re making the right decision. Once you identify a good potential fit, focus your efforts on that person until you hire them or come to the decision they are not right for the job.

real housewives one at a time GIF by RealityTVGIFs

4. Partner with a sales recruiter

If you really want to streamline your hiring process and speed up how quickly you can hire qualified sales candidates, working with a sales recruiter is a great option. Recruiters are well versed on hiring efficiencies and have access to a lot of top candidates who are looking to make a move.

If you follow the above “tricks,” you will put yourself in a better position to hire quicker and better.

Get More Hiring Tips on Our Sales Recruiting Blog

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Jace Ermidis Toronto Sales Recruiter

Jace Ermidis

Jace is a sales recruiter with almost a decade of experience building high-performing sales teams in North America, across Europe, Asia, and Australia. He also has plenty of tips to help your sales team increase revenue!

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