8 years ago
February 21, 2017

5 Words You Should be Using in Your Sales Emails

Let’s take a look at five of the most powerful words you can use in your sales emails.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie

Savvy sales people know that certain words have the power to influence emotions and prompt buyers to action. When you learn to use these magic words in your sales emails, you’ll find that prospecting, everyday communication, and relationship building are much easier and more effective.

Using powerful words in your sales emails can also help to improve your conversion rate on your company’s website, and a high conversion rate means better results for you in the long run.

Let’s take a look at five of the most powerful words you can use in your sales emails.


“You” seems like such a simple, everyday word, but it holds enormous power when it comes to sales. The more you use this word in your email copy, the more you connect your reader to the products and services you’re selling. In other words, by putting them in your narrative, you help them to see how their lives would be improved by what you’re offering. Here’s an example:

“Whether you’re walking across town or flying across oceans, our portable printer can help you to prepare for business meetings, trade shows, and more. This portable printer allows you to print on the go, impressing your clients and saving you time.”

By using “you” repeatedly, you help prospects to visualize how their lives would be improved by what you have to offer.


“Free” is one of those eye-catching words that immediately makes you start thinking, “what’s in it for me?” Free is more than just a price; it’s a trigger word that brings excitement to the proposition.

Think about what you can offer for free in your sales emails. Amazon has had tremendous success with their “free shipping” strategy. By using the word “free” in the subject lines of your sales emails, you dramatically increase the chance that your email will be opened. Everybody likes the idea of getting something for nothing.


“Guaranteed” is another trigger word, but instead of triggering excitement, this word triggers security and trust. People are comfortable with varying degrees of risk, but virtually no one is completely immune to nervousness about risk. The word “guaranteed” provides a safety net for consumers; it helps them to know that you stand behind your products and services, thus substantially reducing their risk.

You can be more explicit in your guarantee. For example, you can offer a money-back guarantee or include information about your return policy, but regardless of how you phrase it, include the trigger word, “guaranteed.”


When you use the word “new” in your sales emails, you let people know that you have something improved and exciting to offer. Consumers have a positive association with all things new: newer cars, newer technology, newer gadgets, and newer clothes. All of these things help consumers to feel a sense of adventure.

Think about it. When you pull up to your favorite fast food drive-through, you’ll notice any signs or advertisements for anything “new.” New flavors, new sandwiches, and new desserts: all of these things catch your eye and give you a feeling of excitement about your coming meal. It’s the same with your sales emails. Offering something new will grab your readers’ attention and keep them hooked.


Everybody is short on time, and no one has time to waste with products and services that are ineffective or slow. That’s why people are drawn to the word, “results.”

Promise results and prove you can follow through, and you’ll have more business than you can handle. Use the word “results” in your sales emails to reinforce the fact that what you have to offer really works. Pairing the word “results” with actual testimonials from happy existing clients can be very powerful.

Remember these five words for your sales emails: You, Free, Guaranteed, New, and Results. Use them frequently and well, and you’ll enjoy an improved conversion rate and more qualified prospects from sales emails.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter

Claire McConnachie

Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.

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