10 years ago
January 4, 2015

3 Questions Your Sales Team Has About Your Website

The following are three questions your sales team probably has about your website.

Rhys Metler

Your website can be an invaluable tool for your sales team–if they understand its value and if it has been optimized for sales. To this end, your sales team probably has some good questions about your website. It’s worth spending some time training your team on the ins and outs of your website as well as different ways they can use it in prospecting, pitching, and even closing sales. 

The following are three questions your sales team probably has about your website. Use this information in your next sales meeting to help your sales reps use one of your best resources.

1. How can our website help me make sales?

This is the first question a good sales person will ask when given a new resource for selling. The Internet is constantly evolving, so it’s important to think creatively about the ways your site can help sales reps to be more productive. Your sales reps may discover new ways they can use your website to make sales, but the following ideas are already tested and true:

  • It can provide reference materials. Instead of having to explain detailed information about your products or services, you can refer prospects to your website where they can peruse your materials when they’re not crunched for time.
  • It can attract new customers. If your website is search engine optimized, prospects will find you instead of your sales reps having to find them, thus saving time and effort prospecting.
  • It can address concerns. If you keep hearing the same concerns from prospects and customers, you can publish blog posts addressing those concerns. When you hear these concerns, you can say, “Yes, we recently published information about that very topic. I’ll send you the URL.” This shows that you’re proactive and aware of customer concerns.

2. How can our website help with social media selling?

Social media, with its potential for viral posts, retweets, and shares, can be an excellent tool for selling. Without a website, however, you can only post other people’s content or write short, personal posts without links attached.

Therefore, having a company website gives your sales reps a chance to use social media to their best advantage. The key to providing your sales reps with tools for using social media is to include interesting, frequently posted content that they can share on their LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook accounts. If you don’t have anyone on staff who can write weekly or bi-weekly blog posts for your website, you can hire the work out for a reasonable cost.

As your sales reps share your website’s exciting new content, they will find more opportunities to start conversations with prospects and to spread their influence.

3. How will interested parties contact us?

If you go to the trouble of developing a website that attracts traffic, you need a good way for prospects to contact you. Assure your sales reps that you’ll provide accurate contact information on each web page on your site. Make it easy for customers to reach you. Don’t make them hunt for your information. Put your phone number on every single page, and include a contact form or email address for those would like to contact you online.

Develop a system within your sales team to parcel out web contacts among them. You could divide web contacts evenly, or you could use these leads as incentives for those who are performing the best.

By answering these questions for your sales team, you will offer them new ways to prospect, teach customers, and ultimately close sales. Your website can be a great tool for improve your sales and helping your sales team to reach their personal goals.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.
