Do you want your business to be more profitable? Then you need to create more leads for your sales team.
Without sales leads, you don’t get a chance to explain your products and services. You don’t get to establish new relationships with prospects. You don’t get to close deals, and you certainly don’t get paid. In short, without sales leads, your sales team is stuck.
What you need, therefore, is a plan to create more leads for your sales team. Not only will your sales team enjoy more sales and more revenue, but it will be invigorated by the boost in good-quality prospects, interesting work, and jump-started business. Generate more leads for your sales team with the following ideas.
A professional, helpful website can go a long way toward creating leads for your sales team. With today’s ever-increasing mobile usage, people are constantly looking for information online, and if they find the information they’re looking for on your company’s website or blog, they just might contact you about the products and services you offer.
You can encourage prospects to contact you by providing contact information on every website page. Make it as easy as possible for prospects to get in touch with you.
Create useful content that will send people to your website from search engines. Companies that regularly produce informational or educational material can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Consider publishing the following kinds of content:
An informational website with easily accessible contact information can go a long way toward creating leads for your sales team.
LinkedIn and Twitter can be great places to get your name out there and make initial contacts with prospects. Join industry groups on LinkedIn, and promote your sales, products, and services on Twitter, and you’ll find that your reach grows quickly and exponentially. Get involved in discussions you find on social media, and ask interesting questions to start discussions of your own. The more you contribute, the more people will see that you have something of value to offer.
Some of the most powerful leads are created when you can give an event presentation and follow up with a customized letter, phone call, or email to people you met at the event. When you put yourself out there, people remember who you are. You get noticed, and you can capitalize on this moment of recognition by turning those contacts into precious leads.
If you have a strong relationship with a noncompetitive vendor or associate, you can work together to help each other gain more leads. This can happen in a variety of ways, from referring customers to each other, recommending each other’s products and services, or even posting visual advertising materials at each other’s places of business. Keep your eyes open for such mutually beneficial arrangements.
These ideas can help you to generate more leads for your sales team. Once you create more leads, your sales reps will be busier answering questions, forming solutions, and closing sales. Your entire team will profit, and your sales team will be more successful than ever.
Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.