10 years ago
January 4, 2015

5 Reasons Why You Should be Sharing Sales Content on Twitter

In this article, we’ll discuss five reasons you should be sharing sales content on Twitter.

Rhys Metler

If you’ve already been making social media a part of your sales strategy, then you already understand the vital role a Twitter presence plays in modern sales approaches. If you haven’t, this article’s here to explain why; to show what you’re missing and why you shouldn’t be missing it. Twitter can be a baffling mess for a beginner and only moderately less messy for an expert, but utilized effectively it can be a powerful platform for advancing your sales game in every way. In this article, we’ll discuss five reasons you should be sharing sales content on Twitter–so whether or not you’re using Twitter, if you’re not sharing sales content you should probably continue on and give this a read!

It Drives Traffic Where You Want It.

Sharing sales content on Twitter is an excellent way to drive traffic to that content. Whether you’ve established yourself with a good set of followers hanging on your every tweet or you’re using a bit of savvy writing to get attention for your tweets with relevant hashtags, you can gain quite a bit of traffic for your sales content. Just be sure you’re approaching the audience with as much caution as you would any other audience; ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ prospects should be treated differently even if they’re both coming from Twitter.

It Helps You To Connect with Partners.

Posting your sales content to Twitter can be an excellent way to attract potential business partners. Like LinkedIn, Twitter serves as a hotbed of professional networking–you can’t really afford to ignore it if you’re interested in developing your connections to others in your industry. Few things give the same level of ‘live’ connection to your industry as Twitter, so use it for everything its worth. Post your sales content and let your peers know what you’re up to and what you have to offer.

It Helps You To Connect with Prospects.

There are many tools and techniques in the wild for deriving prospects from the endless mass of Twitter; what works best for you and your industry may vary wildly, but there’s a solution somewhere that will bring the prospects running. You might find it easier to establish a connection with potential buyers via Twitter than you would in other mediums; there’s just something inherently personal about tweeting back and forth.

It Builds Your Image.

At the very least, you should be sharing sales content and more through Twitter as part of a total image building methodology–the perception’s that important, serious businesses are all on Twitter now, so if you want to be taken seriously, you’ll be on Twitter. An absence from such a major social media arena can be a strike against you, even if you never do anything interesting with the opportunity.

It Keeps Customer Relationships Fresh.

This is probably the single best thing you’ll get out of sharing sales content on Twitter. Keeping customers thinking about you does wonders for any sales strategy–whether you’re looking to bring those customers back to buy again or just want them telling their friends about you. If you can get customers following you on Twitter, then you’ll have a constant stream to them, refreshing their positive memories of you and your product as often as you send out sales content. Sounds good, doesn’t it? And of course it’s much easier to follow up with a customer who’s already hearing from you a few times a week or more, if the need ever arises.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.
