8 years ago
February 21, 2017

The Top 5 Sales People You Should Be Following on Twitter

We’ve compiled a list of the best sales people to follow on Twitter.

Rhys Metler

Sales people paying the slightest bit of attention in the past decade know the value of Twitter. Top sales agents and gurus around the world congregate on the service, offering bite-sized tips and links to the important news, blog posts, and other information sales people want to see. Following the best and brightest in the industry serves as a powerful glimpse into greatness, useful whether you’re a beginner or on that same playing level. The only problem lay in identifying the best sales people to follow on Twitter, but have no fear–we’ve compiled a list of five key players and gurus you’ll want popping up on your feed.

@jillkonrath – Jill Konrath.

One of sales’ best-known thinkers, speakers, and innovators, Jill Konrath turned from unknown consultant to international sales strategy juggernaut after losing her business and rebuilding herself from the ground up in 2000. She tweets throughout the day, posting original content, links to her other online material, and links to other worthwhile videos, blog posts, and news articles related to sales. 

@ArtSobczak – Art Sobczak.

For 30 years, Business By Phone President Art Sobczak has taught sales people the art of phone sales. Best known for his cold calling and inside sales advice, Sobczak’s Smart Calling blog and various books have been repeatedly recognized as top-notch resources for any sales person looking to develop their trade. His Twitter account updates several times throughout the day, with links to Sobczak’s other work online and other guru’s work that’s caught his eye.

@gerhard20 – Gerhard Gschwandtner.

The Founder and CEO of Selling Power, Inc., producer of Selling Power magazine, SellingPower.com, and other sales resources, Gschwandtner offers powerful advice for anyone in the sales game, from beginning front-liners to executives. Subscribing to his Twitter account is probably the best way to keep track of all the things he and his company have going, with updates throughout the day every day.   

@bridgegroupinc – Trish Bertuzzi.

The President and Chief Strategist of The Bridge Group, Inc., Trish Bertuzzi offers unique insight into phone, web, and social media aspects of inside sales. Trish updates throughout the day, offering a mix of original Twitter content, blog referrals, and links to anything else she finds that might catch a sales person’s interest.

@iannarino – Anthony Iannarino.

Writer for sales and sales management blog TheSalesBlog.com, Anthony Iannarino offers insight with a more personal edge than some of the others on this list. If you’re looking for a guru you can chat with on Twitter, one that offers organic sales advice with personal examples and a natural voice, Iannarino’s the guy you want to follow. He’s very active on Twitter, posting links and original content throughout the day.

There are many other sales people worth following on Twitter, but these five work as an excellent jumping-off point. If you want a longer list, look through whose work your favorites have linked to, who they, in turn, follow, and who they mention by name. You’ll quickly assemble a list of people worth listening to on all things sales–as long as list as you could possibly want.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.

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