10 years ago
January 7, 2015

How Your Body Language is Affecting Your Sales

Here are a few ways that your body language may be impacting your sales’ clients.

Rhys Metler

Your body language could be sending messages to potential clients that you’re not even aware of. These simple cues could be the difference between sealing the deal and losing a sale. A few things, like pupil dilation, are out of your control. However, just about every other aspect of your body language can be practiced and rehearsed like your sales pitch. Knowing what your body is doing to help and hurt your sales should motivate you to be more aware of your body language. Here are a few ways that your body language may be impacting your sales’ clients.

Down and Away

When you’re speaking to a prospect or client, your shoulders should always be square to them, and, when seated, you should be leaning toward them. Sitting with your shoulders slumped or, worse yet, leaning on a single elbow makes you look bored and disinterested. Your body language is screaming “I don’t want to be here,” and the prospect is likely to notice. Keeping your body squared to the prospect shows that you’re interested in interacting with them.

Remain Open

Keep your arms open, whether on the table in front of you, or at your sides. Folding your arms across your chest shows that you have no interest in receiving information from the prospect. Folded arms send a definite message that you’re closed off to the entire line of conversation. Often, people cross their arms out of habit, or simply because they’re tired. Whatever the reason, closing off your body still sends the same message. Always be aware of where your arms are, and of the messages your body language could be sending.


A genuine smile defuses tension, relaxes the atmosphere, and makes a prospect feel more at ease. A fake, cheesy smile makes you look like a used-car salesman from an old movie. A genuine smile involves much more than your mouth-it actually involves nearly every muscle in your face. While you can learn to fake a genuine smile, it’s probably more worthwhile to learn to be genuinely happy to interact with prospects. If the idea of another potential sale can’t put a real smile on your face, you may be in the wrong line of work.

Let Your Hands do Some Talking

People who are genuinely excited about something often use their hands while talking. It’s perfectly acceptable for you to do this as well, just keep it under control. Wild gesticulations can make you look insincere. If you’re genuinely excited about your products and your prospects, then your natural inclination toward gesturing should be sufficient. Don’t try to embellish, and don’t force yourself to go through an entire sales presentation with your arms hanging limply at your sides. As with all things, there’s a balance to be found.

Practice Makes Perfect

As a successful salesperson, you should already be practicing for prospect interactions on a frequent basis. You should be practicing everything from greetings and pitches, to presentations and closings. Incorporating body language into your practice is simple. Learn to be aware of your body when you’re talking, so you can be sure it isn’t unconsciously contradicting you. Once you have your entire sales process, including your body language, down to a well-rehearsed routine, you’ll be that much better as a salesperson.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.
