10 years ago
January 7, 2015

Sales Presentations: Do’s and Don’ts

There are key elements that should always be included in good sales presentations and there are also deadly mistakes that you don’t want to make.

Rhys Metler

Getting the opportunity to do a sales presentation is chance any sales person does not want to miss. You work hard to get past gatekeepers and secretaries to get to the decision maker. When the decision maker gives you the opportunity to do sales presentations, you want to make the most of the opportunity. There are key elements that should always be included in good sales presentations and there are also deadly mistakes that you don’t want to make.

Do include a story. The best way to draw in the interest of the people you are doing sales presentations for is to talk about a problem that your product or service addressed for another anonymous company. Make sure the story is one that your audience can relate to whether they have the same problem or not. Talking about how you helped another client helps your audience to identify with your product.

Don’t try to be funny.

Some people are naturally funny but most are not. Badly timed or inappropriate jokes will grab the focus of your audience and destroy your sales presentations.

Do be organized. Your sales presentations should flow from one selling point to the next. Begin with an opening statement, outline everything you want to touch on, and have a very precise conclusion.

Don’t read.

Nothing is worse during sales presentations than to be read to. If you are using slides, the slide should contain phrases not complete sentences. Also, keep your slides simple. The purpose of the slide is to show the main idea of each point you are making. You don’t want your audience to be distracted by a slide that has too many words or confusing graphics.

Do rehearse.

Sales presentations are too important to try to do one off the cuff. If you are unsure or uncomfortable with the material that you are presenting it is going to show. You need to feel calm, cool and collected when doing sales presentations. In addition, by rehearsing, you will be able to answer questions throughout the presentation without losing your place in the presentation.

Don’t talk too much.

Similarly to just reading a presentation, talking too much and overstating information is very boring. Your presentation should be relational. Use demonstrations or examples to help make your point. As much as possible, make your presentation interactive and fun so that you can keep up the interest of the audience.

Do leave time for questions.

When doing sales presentations you want your clients to ask you questions. This shows that they are interested and gives you the opportunity to talk about specific needs that they may have. You need to be prepared for all kinds of questions so try to anticipate what you might be asked and have the information readily available.

Don’t waste time.

Consider it honor to be asked to do sales presentations for clients. We’re all busy and don’t want anyone to take our time for granted. Both you and the client have a specific objective that they want from sales presentations. Any information that is not relevant to that objective is a waste of your time and theirs. You do not want to be cut off during sales presentations. Get to the heart of the matter and do it succinctly and concisely.

Sales presentations can be fun and informative. Make the most of your sales presentations by learning what makes a good and effective presentation that will be a very useful tool in your selling success.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.

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