8 years ago
February 21, 2017

5 Sales Deal Killers and What You Can Do To Prevent Them

A sale can go either way. You need to know how to prevent sales deal killers.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie

You know this scenario. You’ve been working with the client for some time now. You know they are interested and you feel like they are just of the edge of saying Yes!”. But, they continue to hem and haw and you simply cannot pin them down. The sale can go either way. You need to know how to prevent sales deal killers.

Sales deal killers can pop up at any time during your work with the customer. Something might have happened right at the beginning that perhaps you didn’t even notice. You may have unwittingly said or done something that was a slight turn off to the customer and now you have to overcome some sales deal killers.

Something You Did

  • Dress. People look to professionals when they are in the need of specific products or services. Make sure you look professional. Inappropriate dress is often the cause of sales deal killers. Not many people would be comfortable buying insurance from someone in jeans and a tee shirt. By the same token, you are more likely to trust a mechanic wearing coveralls over the guy in a suit and tie when it comes to getting your car serviced. You may say all the right things but if you are not dressed in a professional manner, this can be one of those sales deal killers.
  • Words. Are the words you are using scaring your client or causing them to tune you out? There is a difference between saying “Let’s take care of the paper work.” and “I need you to sign this contract.”. The mental picture you are painting for the client is difference between coming to an agreement and getting lawyers involved. Watch what you say.
  • Listen. You are the professional and you know a great deal about your product. Because of that, it is easy to keep right on talking. But you need to make sure you are listening to the client. You need to give them time to ask questions and voice concerns. The only way you can make sure that the customer is happy is to learn what they need and get them exactly that. Don’t make this mistake. Using your listening skills as much, or more, as your speaking skills can help you avoid these sales deal killers.
  • Homework. You need to make sure you know your product. If you are in business-to-business sales, you also need to make sure you are well aware of the needs of he client. If you are in in-house sales, you can still get a general idea of the type of person who desires your product through demographic studies. Either way, you need to be prepared to answer all questions. A knowledgeable sales person is able to develop trust much more quickly than a sales person who only has general knowledge. Not doing your homework is one of the top sales deal killers.

The Customer

  • Company Blind. Many customers cannot differentiate between the companies that make similar products. To them, every company that makes your product is basically the same. They are not thinking that companies take years to build a solid reputation. They are only looking at price and these folks are classic sales deal killers.
  • Features Only. Regardless of all of the benefits that your company or product provides, this buyer has blinders on to all but one particular feature. These customers are often sales deal killers.They ignore warranties, value added, quality and everything else. The feature that they want is probably not even the main reason that they need your product or service. The feature may not be available at their price or at all. It is very difficult to get past sales deal killers like this.

There will be times in the professional life of every sales person where they are not able to close the deal. Make sure that your behavior is not the reason.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter

Claire McConnachie

Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.

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