When your organization needs to hire a sales person, not just any sales person will do. You need a sales person who is performing at the top of his or her game who can consistently boost your organization’s revenue over and above targets. A sales recruitment company is the best way for your organization to find and hire sales people with these abilities. Here are three reasons why.
A sales recruitment company is ideally positioned to help you identify the key skills and abilities that a sales person must have in order to fulfill your hiring needs. Sales recruitment companies recognize that to find a successful match between a candidate and an organization, more than just sales ability is at stake; candidates should also be a fit for the culture and have complimentary skills in areas important to you, such as finance or management. With this in mind, sales recruitment companies can differentiate your hiring process for results by:
Much of the time and cost of recruiting sales people is incurred in the initial stages. The tasks involved in organizing, reviewing, sorting, and following up on resumes received in response to a position posting are time consuming and result in direct and indirect costs. By understanding what your organization is looking for as well as what your organization does not want to see in a sales person, a sales recruitment company can begin sorting through available candidates for an open position and keep only those candidates who meet your requirements under consideration. A sales recruitment company can also undertake many of the next-step screening tasks, such as telephone interviews.
A sales recruitment company can also act as your organization’s advocate in the sales job marketplace. Many top performing sales people are already working, and might not initially know about or be pursuing your available sales position. Through networking and outreach a sales recruitment company can meet with these highly eligible sales candidates and explain the benefits of considering a move to your organization, something that your organization might not be able to do to attract top caliber candidates on its own.
Evaluating and assessing a candidate’s ability to perform without directly observing his or her performance on a day to day basis can be difficult, which is why many hiring decisions ultimately fall short. By working with sales candidates on a daily basis and developing proven processes to evaluate and assess candidates’ true abilities, a sales recruitment company can help you determine what can be expected from each candidate so that your organization does not find itself facing undesirable hiring surprises. A sales recruitment company can also:
To compete for candidates in today’s sales hiring marketplace, organizations need to think strategically and be proactive rather than reactive. A sales recruitment company can assist your organization in finding the right hiring strategies to attract and retain top performing sales people reliably and cost effectively – before your competition can. Contact a sales recruitment company today to find out how you can make a real impact on your organization’s hiring results.
Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.