8 years ago
February 21, 2017

Where To Look For Sales Jobs

There are a few techniques that will help you find the great sales jobs — the ones that can make an enormous difference in your career.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter
Claire McConnachie
where to look for sales jobs

When you’re ready to enter the world of selling, you’ve been working in sales for several years, or you want to try a career shift, there are several places where you will be able to find sales jobs. There are also a few techniques that will help you find the great sales jobs — the ones that can make an enormous difference in your career.

1. Online Resources

Online resources are invaluable for job seekers. Let’s take a look at the different ways that you can find sales jobs online.

First, you’ll want to start with a few of the more well known job seeker sites, such as Monster.com and CareerBuilder.com. These sites are geared towards job seekers, offering services such as the ability to create and post a resume, and easy job search tools. Another good online resource is Indeed.com that indexes the job postings from several different career sites.

Next, you’ll want to utilize social networking to locate sales jobs. This is a more focused technique that will help you narrow down your choices. Sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are very useful for job seekers. Make sure you create your own profile on these sites and post your resume to them.

2. Local Job Resources

While they aren’t relied on as they were in the past, local job resources are still very helpful for sales job seekers, particularly in smaller areas. Go through your local paper, listen to the job board segment on your local radio channels and utilize your state job service to help you locate sales jobs. If you do live in a small town, chances are most employers won’t be posting their openings on online sites, and you’ll have a better chance of finding local jobs through local resources. Another great often overlooked local resource is a community job fair. These are typically held annually or semi-annually.

3. Networking and Referrals

Although networking to find sales jobs is a tedious process, it can also help you land the job you really want. This method is ideal for those who already have a job and do not need to start a new one immediately. Attend local events, particularly those geared towards the sales industry and get the word out that you are seeking a job.

4. Working with a Sales Recruiter

For job seekers who want to streamline the process of finding sales jobs, working with a recruiter is the best possible option. Not only will they help guide you in the process of putting together your resume and honing your interviewing skills, but they already have relationships with the top sales companies. They’ll be the first to know about new sales jobs and thanks to their contacts, you can typically get the job you want very quickly.

If you don’t find the sales jobs you want right away, keep looking. Remember, this is an industry with a higher turnover rate, and chances are if you don’t see a lot of listings right now, that can change very quickly. Keep networking and getting your name out there and you will be able to find the job you really want.

Claire McConnachie Recruiter

Claire McConnachie

Claire has 4+ years of experience in sales and recruitment. As a Director of Client Services, her main objective is to connect great people to great companies by building strong relationships with both top clients and candidates in the sales industry. She specializes in sales roles of all seniority levels for both enterprise and start-up clients North American wide. When Claire isn't networking with top talent, she enjoys being outdoors, traveling and spending time with friends & family.

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