8 years ago
November 18, 2016

7 Tips to Create Good Sales Habits

Measure your results, stay positive, keep building relationships, keep learning, prepare, and more. Here are 7 tips to create good sales habits.

Rhys Metler

Maybe you have some personal habits like clicking your pen when you’re nervous or doodling while on the phone. From a scientific perspective, habits form when a behaviour becomes automatic through regular repetition. There are three parts to forming habits: the cue, the behaviour, and the reward.

So what do personal habits have to do with good sales habits? Well, by taking certain steps to modify your selling tactics to include strategies for success, you can make excellent sales techniques second nature. The following seven tips will help you create good habits when it comes to your selling techniques. By forming these habits, you’ll improve your sales game for the better.

1. Measure Your Results

As your career develops, it’s important to continue developing your skills and maintaining consistent levels of positive growth. When it comes to building good habits, there are certain things you can do in order to change your behaviour in the long run. Get in the habit of regularly measuring your results: there’s a lot you can learn about yourself and your customers by looking at the numbers.

2. Stay Positive

Have you ever wondered why you’re drawn to certain people in a room or meeting? Positivity is infectious, and someone who is positive is likely to quickly earn the trust of others. Positive people also make others comfortable with their calm persona.

Make the effort to uphold a positive attitude. You can use your confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm to maintain your drive to continue looking for other opportunities when others are caught up in negativity.

3. Keep Building Relationships

In a typical sales scenario, you have likely identified the decision maker and have been working towards putting an offer in front of that person. Naturally, it’s going to be difficult to close a deal without the consent of the decision maker, but in most cases, this person is part of a larger network. By tapping into the decision maker’s support and continually building strong relationships, you gain credibility for the offer before it’s on the table.

4. Keep Learning

Mastering change, building trust, giving feedback, and building enthusiasm are just some of the top characteristics for success in sales. These qualities translate to good sales habits, especially once you get into the practice of continually learning, developing, and updating your skills. Someone who is constantly expanding their skill set and picking up new tools for success will benefit tremendously from their good sales habits.

5. Be Creative and Flexible

As a sales professional, you’ll do well to remember the old adage that customers don’t buy products, they buy solutions. By remembering the importance of creativity, you can leverage your selling tactics by changing your focus from selling a product to selling a larger solution. By bringing flexibility and creativity to the workplace, you’ll create good sales habits that will help you address your customers’ needs.

6. Prepare

It might go without saying that preparation plays a big role in success, but preparation is a critical good sales habit that will take you far. Among other simple things you can do to become a better sales professional, preparing ahead of time before your call or meeting will give you an edge that only comes from thoughtful research.

7. Set Goals

By getting into the habit of setting goals, sales professionals allow outcomes to drive their success. Instead of letting your agenda be governed only by the leads that present themselves, you can create good sales habits by defining what you want to accomplish through setting goals. This way, you ensure that the energy you spend on activities will produce immediate and measurable results in the right direction.

Rhys Metler

Rhys is a tenacious, top performing Senior Sales Recruiter with 15+ years of focused experience in the Digital Media, Mobile, Software, Technology and B2B verticals. He has a successful track record of headhunting top performing sales candidates for some of the most exciting brands in North America. He is a Certified Recruitment Specialist (CRS) and has expert experience in prospecting new business, client retention/renewals and managing top performing sales and recruitment teams. Rhys enjoys spending quality time with his wife, son, and daughters, BBQing on a hot summer day and tropical vacations.
